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Test: ‘Magic Tools’ for uddannelsesfolk – Magic School AI

    Hvor lang tid tager det at lære prompt engineering, så det begynder at give mening at bruge værktøjerne? Er engelsk ikke dit modersmål ej heller det sprog du underviser på? Kan man bruge generativ kunstig intelligens uden at gå på kompromis med sin underviserintegritet? Her er et værktøj, hvor andre uddannelsefolk har lagt prompts ind på forhånd.

    ‘Magic Tools’ for uddannelsesfolk

    Prompt engineering er det, der gør forskellen på brugbar og ikke brugbar kunstig intelligens. Som de siger i computer science: “Garbage in, garbage out”. For 1½ år siden var jeg forsigtigt begejstret for et værktøj jeg var faldet over. Denne gang er jeg faldet over en platform, som jeg synes også viser stort potentiale for undervisere og os, der understøtter undervisernes arbejde.

    MagicSchool stiller 60+ værktøjer (prompts) til rådighed for brugerne. Værktøjerne er delt op i typer, som jeg har brugt i overskriften af denne post.

    Læs deres egen beskrivelse af deres Magic Tools, eller klik på de små billeder, så du kan se de værktøjer, der er til rådighed 29. juni 2024.

    Tre eksempler

    I første omgang har jeg kastet mig over spørgsmålsgenerering med Depth of Knowledge. Jeg tog udgangspunkt i “Sociocracy” og fik først ChatGPT 3,5 til at forklare hvad det er. Derefter brugte jeg ordet “sociocracy” som eneste input til Magic School. Her er hvad de to tilsammen kom frem til:

    5. klassesniveau

    ChatGPT forklarer sociocracy til 5. klasseselever:

    Imagine you have a big group of friends who all want to decide what game to play together. In sociocracy, everyone gets a chance to say what game they like, and then they talk about it together to find one that makes everyone happy. It’s like making decisions where everyone’s voice is important, and they work together to find the best choice for everyone. So, it’s about listening to each other and finding solutions that everyone can agree on.

    Magic Schools spørgsmål på 5. klassesniveau:

    DOK Level 1 – (Recall – measure, recall, calculate, define, list, identify.)
      • What is Sociocracy?
      • List two key principles of Sociocracy.
    DOK Level 2 – Skill/Concept – graph, classify, compare, estimate, summarize.
      • Compare and contrast Sociocracy with Democracy.
      • Summarize the role of consent in decision-making within a Sociocratic system.
    DOK Level 3 – (Strategic Thinking – assess, investigate, formulate, draw conclusions, construct.)
      • Investigate the impact of Sociocracy on group dynamics within an organization.
      • Formulate a plan for implementing Sociocracy in a school setting and assess potential challenges.
    DOK Level 4 – (Extended Thinking – analyze, critique, create, design, apply concepts.)
      • Analyze the effectiveness of Sociocracy in promoting inclusivity and equity in decision-making processes.
      • Design a proposal for integrating Sociocratic principles into local government structures and justify your choices.


    9. klassesniveau

    ChatGPT forklarer sociocracy til 9. klasseselever:

    Sociocracy is a way of organizing groups where everyone has a say in decisions that affect them. It’s not just about voting for one option; instead, it focuses on consent, which means everyone agrees that a decision is good enough for now, even if it’s not perfect.

    In sociocracy, decisions are made through rounds of discussion where everyone gets a chance to speak up. It’s like a team where every player’s opinion matters, and they work together to reach agreements that everyone can support. This approach aims to create more inclusive and efficient decision-making processes by valuing everyone’s input and aiming for solutions that satisfy the whole group.

    Magic Schools spørgsmål på 9. klassesniveau:

    DOK Level 1 – (Recall – measure, recall, calculate, define, list, identify.)
      • What is the definition of sociocracy?
      • List two key principles of sociocracy.
      • Identify one benefit of using sociocracy in decision-making processes.
    DOK Level 2 – Skill/Concept – graph, classify, compare, estimate, summarize.
      • Compare and contrast sociocracy with democracy in terms of decision-making processes.
      • Graphically represent a sociocratic decision-making structure.
      • Estimate the number of members typically involved in a sociocratic circle.
    DOK Level 3 – (Strategic Thinking – assess, investigate, formulate, draw conclusions, construct.)
      • Investigate how sociocracy can promote inclusivity within a group.
      • Assess the potential challenges of implementing sociocracy in a large organization.
      • Formulate a plan for introducing sociocracy in a school club to improve communication and decision-making.
    DOK Level 4 – (Extended Thinking – analyze, critique, create, design, apply concepts.)
      • Analyze a case study where sociocracy was successfully implemented and its impact on organizational culture.
      • Critique the effectiveness of sociocracy in addressing power dynamics within teams.
      • Design a proposal for integrating sociocracy into a local community organization to enhance collaboration and accountability.



    ChatGPT forklarer sociocracy til universitetsstuderende:

    Sociocracy is a governance and decision-making system designed to foster inclusive and effective collaboration within organizations. It emphasizes consent-based decision-making, where proposals are adopted if no one has reasoned objections rather than through traditional voting.

    In sociocracy, authority is distributed across circles or teams, each with defined roles and responsibilities. These circles operate semi-autonomously but are interconnected through feedback loops and representatives, ensuring that decisions made at all levels consider the input and concerns of all stakeholders.

    The goal of sociocracy is to achieve more agile, responsive, and equitable organizational structures by prioritizing transparency, effective communication, and continuous improvement. It’s often seen as a way to balance individual autonomy with collective goals, promoting a culture of cooperation and shared responsibility within workplaces and other collaborative settings.

    Magic Schools spørgsmål på universitetsniveau:

    DOK Level 1 – (Recall – measure, recall, calculate, define, list, identify.)
      • What is Sociocracy?
      • List two key principles of Sociocracy.
      • Identify one benefit of using Sociocracy in a group setting.
    DOK Level 2 – Skill/Concept – graph, classify, compare, estimate, summarize.
      • Compare and contrast Sociocracy with Democracy.
      • Summarize how decision-making works in a Sociocratic system.
      • Classify two roles commonly found in a Sociocratic organization.
    DOK Level 3 – (Strategic Thinking – assess, investigate, formulate, draw conclusions, construct.)
      • Investigate the origins of Sociocracy and how it has evolved over time.
      • Assess the impact of implementing Sociocracy in a workplace or school environment.
      • Formulate a plan for introducing Sociocracy to a new group and explain the steps involved.
    DOK Level 4 – (Extended Thinking – analyze, critique, create, design, apply concepts.)
      • Analyze a case study where Sociocracy was successfully implemented and evaluate the key factors contributing to its success.
      • Critique the potential limitations of Sociocracy in certain types of organizations.
      • Design a model for integrating Sociocratic practices into a community project and explain how it would enhance collaboration and decision-making.

    Spørgsmålene om sociocracy på universitetniveau skelner altså ikke mellem om den studerende læser naturvidenskab, samfundsvidenskab eller humaniora. Men ellers synes jeg bestemt, at Magic School tilbyder noget, der kan arbejdet videre med!


    Best practice

    Magic Schools beskrivelse af best practice for educators:

    • Check for Bias and Accuracy: Al might occasionally produce biased or incorrect content. Always double-check before sharing with students.
    • The 80-20 Approach: Use Al for initial work, but make sure to add your final touch, review for bias and accuracy, and contextualize appropriately for the last 20%.
    • Your Judgment Matters: See Al-generated content as a starting point, not a final solution. Always adhere to your school’s guidelines.
    • Know the Limits: Our Al is not connected with retrieval from the internet yet and training ends at a certain date, so be aware when dealing with recent topics.
    • Protect Privacy: Don’t include personal student details like names or addresses. We strive to promptly remove any accidentally submitted information.

    Hvad er din “best practice” for brug af kunstig intelligens til undervisningsmaterialer?


    Det skal give mening at bruge et værktøj, også kunstig intelligens. Men hvad der ikke gav mening i forgårs kan godt komme til at give mening i morgen. Mange af os der var børn før årtusindskiftet, husker trafikkortene fra ADAC og fra FDM. I dag bruger de fleste af os fx Google Maps (eller tilsvarende) og kan godt finde ud af, at selvom Google siger, at ruten er dén vej, så følger vi ikke instruktionerne blindt og vandrer ud foran bilerne i trafikken. Vi lader naturligvis ikke vores værktøjer tage beslutninger for os.

    Sådan er det også med kunstig intelligens i undervisningssammenhænge. Det er stadig vores faglige bedømmelse af værktøjet der afgør, om eller hvordan det kan bruges. Lige nu går det hurtigt med udviklingen af prompts for undervisningsverdenen. Eksemplet fra Magic School synes jeg er mere end lovende!

    Hvad bruger du? Hvad har du prøvet? Hvorfor droppede du et bestemt værktøj og hvorfor bliver du ved med et andet?